EQ: Hop Frog is a story of __________ much like Cask of Amontillado.
- What does the king love?
- jokes
- How do you get in the king's favor/
- be funny
- What is better than a spoken joke?
- practical jokes
- Why keep a jester?
- boredom
- Hop Frog is a what and a what?
- dwarf and a cripple
- Is Hop Frog his real name?
- no
- HF is freakishly strong where?
- upper body/arms
- HF is amazing at what?
- planning costumes for the king's parties
- What is the next thing that is heard?
- scraping sound
- Why is HF so sober so quickly?
- metabolizes alcohol fast
- King accused HF of what?
- grinding his teeth
- What does tar do well?
- stick when it's warm
- What is flax?
- straw
- What does do well?
- burn
- Who is lowering the chain?
- Tripetta
- What Stephen King movie is this similar to?
- Carrie