He doesn't drink
- Who is Philadelphia?
- business
- What is wrong with the story of his dead parents?
- he says he is from the Midwest in San Francisco (not in the Midwest)
- Where was he educated?
- Oxford
- What is this card?
- Get out of jail free
- Who can give a card like this?
- police commissioner or mayor
- M T
- Money Talks
- What happened in 1919?
- fixed World Series
- What does that letter say?
- he's coming home
- What is more important - love or money?
- love
- What is coincidence?
- Nick is Daisy's cousin and he just randomly ends up living next door to Gatsby
- Potentially, what is Nick setting up Daisy and Gatsby?
- a hypocrite
- Why is she crying?
- she realizes she can never leave and she messed up marrying Tom
- Can you recreate the past?
- No
- Can you have a first kiss twice?
- No
- Can you have a first love twice?
- No
- Can you fall in love twice?
- Maybe
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