a made up story that is told to explain the beginning of history.
ORIGIN - beginning
MYTH - story that's told at it's real but is not
UTOPIA - perfect society
CRUCIBLE - device (pot) meant to melt metals
SPECTER - ghost
- What is an origin myth?
- a made up story that is told to explain the beginning of history.
- How did the Native Americans tell their story?
- Orally
- What are the men doing on the boat with the Virginia Company?
- drinking
- What is the first thing you do when you get off the boat?
- find food!
- Who writes history?
- the winners
- Where did Puritans land?
- Plymouth Rock
- Where is Plymouth?
- Massachusetts
- Where is the new place the Puritans settled?
- New England
- What is the famous village in NE?
- Salem
- What famous event took place in 1692?
- Spanish Inquisition
- What year are we in this class?
- 1692
- What are the Puritans arguing over?
- land, money, religion
- What is the world arguing over today?
- land, money, religion
- What does history always do?
- REPEAT itself
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