Good vs. Evil; archtype
- Why does John Proctor hesitate to tell the truth in church?
- the affair might come out
- What is the punishment for adultery?
- death
- If you live in a lie what does that make you?
- a liar
- JP prides himself in not being a ____
- hypocrite
- Stuck between a ____ and a hard ____.
- rock; place
- If there is nobody there to prove what you have heard somebody has said, it is called _____.
- hearsay
- Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely corrupts... what means
- the more power you have the more corrupt you are
- Its that lack of
- trust
- How important is trust on a scale of 1-10
- 10
- What is she insinuating?
- you still have feelings for her
- What is tip toe?
- walk on eggshells
- What does it mean to forgive?
- and forget
- What is JP calling his wife?
- a cold woman
- Should we judge one another?
- yes
- Good liars are very ___ people
- intelligent
- Lying presents r____
- rewards
- Who is the magistrate in your heart?
- conscience
- What is he saying about his wife?
- she's cold
- Should Goode's testimony count in court?
- No she should have a lawyer
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