Thursday, October 10, 2019

Day 29 - October 10, 2019

Cask Questions

  1. Is the narrator crazy?
  2. What does revenge carry with it?
    1. Risk
  3. What is the ultimate revenge?
  4. The narrator treats his enemy how?
  5. Fortunado is an expert in...
    1. wines
  6. What is the first example of dark humor in this story?
  7. Fortunado has too much ____ 
  8. What does the narrator do before he leaves the carnival?
  9. What are attendants?
  10. What were their orders?
  11. Why does he give this order?
    1. reverse psychology
  12. What is flambeaux?
  13. What is the narrator's name?
    1. Montressor

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August 17, 2020

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