Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Vocabulary 26-50

26. conjuring - call out, sermon
27. pulpit - place where a preacher preaches
28. sport - playing games, fun
29. apprentice - you work to learn the skill of the trade
30. pretense - pretend, fake
31. secular - outside of the church
32. Theocracy - government based on religion
33. placebo - something that is not real, but you think it is
34. aside - when characters speak out what they think so we, the audience, know whats on their mind
35. poppet - a thing that holds needles for sewing
36. calamity - disaster
37. goody - good woman
38. prodigious - enormous, gigantic, huge
39. midwives - nurse who helps deliver babies
40. covenanted - guaranteed heaven
41. magistrate - judge
42. bewildered - confused
43. falter - stumble
44. deal breaker - something that is non-negotiable
45. theology - study of God/religion
46. dramatic irony - when the audience knows what will happen but the characters don't
47. verbal irony - sarcasm, when you say one thing but mean something else
48. free will - you can do what you want
49. lechery - adultery
50. martyr - someone who will die for a great cause

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August 17, 2020

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