Wanting a voice
We want freedom, but don't want to fight for it.
- What is the most famous antithesis?
- first moon landing
- how is it an examples of antithesis?
- big step for mankind...
- the house, today is known as what?
- congress
- what does he think about congress?
- respects it
- What is he talking about?
- point of view
- Can you speak freely, openly today?
- no
- What is a ceremony?
- a ritual observance
- freedom or slavery?
- antithesis
- What is the point of a debate?
- to arrive at the truth
- How did Patrick Henry just insult the king of England?
- called him lazy
- What is an illusion?
- something that appears to be real, but isn't at all.
- Sirens?
- allusion
- What are the three types of people in the world?
- optimists, pessimists, realists
- What are you?
- realist
- What is Patrick Henry?
- realist
- How can you predict the future?
- look at your past
- History does what?
- repeat itself
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