Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September 19, 2018 - Day 23

EQ: When Proctor says you are pulling heaven down and raising up a whore, and God is dead, what is he really saying?
You are lifting up evil and bringing down good people

Crucible Questions

  1. Who has been striving with their soul?
    1. Mary Warren
  2. Why?
    1. she knows she is lying
  3. What is a deposition?
    1. written testimony
  4. What is Parris protecting?
    1. his reputation
  5. What are the judges protecting?
    1. THEIR reputations
  6. What reason did Proctor give for ripping the warrant?
    1. his temper
  7. Is that an attack on Danforth?
    1. yes
  8. What is it?
    1. a natural reaction
  9. What attack does Parris make on John Proctor?
    1. does not attend church
  10. What attack does Cheever make?
    1. JP works on Sunday
  11. Two reasons why?
    1. his farm is in shambles and his kids will starve
  12. What does Danforth want JP to do?
    1. confess
  13. Why?
    1. it will end it all
  14. Why will JP continue pressing on?
    1. he knows what is right
  15. They are G U P I
    1. guilty until proved innocent
  16. Did he threaten her?
    1. no
  17. What is JP charging Abby with?
    1. murder
  18. What is Abby's tool of murder?
    1. lying
  19. She is not a child really means?
    1. she knows better
  20. Why is she kicked out of church?
  21. Can you turn icy?
    1. no - placebo effect
  22. What is probably the worst sin?
    1. murder
  23. Lecher?
    1. cheater
  24. T O T K O
    1. takes one to know one
  25. Beasts are bedded where?
    1. in the barn
  26. What has the affair stolen from him?
    1. peace
  27. The most important thing you can own is...
    1. peace of mind

Monday, September 17, 2018

Vocab 51-60

  1. covet - deep jealousy
  2. lechery - adultery
  3. Theology - study of God and religion
  4. perjury - lying under oath
  5. placebo effect - when your brain convinces you of something - mind over matter
  6. slovenly - messy, sloppy
  7. martyr - a person that dies for a cause
  8. Divine intervention - when God helps/intercedes 
  9. militia - citizens who fight for free
  10. orator - professional speaker

Vocab 41-50

  1. Irony - when you expect one thing but the opposite happens
  2. Situational - same definition as above
  3. verbal irony - when you say one thing but mean another (sarcasm)
  4. dramatic irony - when the audience knows but the characters don't
  5. sloth - extreme laziness
  6. gluttony - when you go to extreme amounts
  7. virtue - something good, moral, pure
  8. aside - when a character speaks aloud so we may know what they are thinking
  9. aphorism - short, clever sayings with a message e.g. Early bird gets the worm
  10. grapple - wrestle, fight

September 17, 2018 - Day 21

EQ: Currently in Act 2, what is Rev. Hale doing and why? For what reason did John Proctor give for only attending church 26 times in 17 months?
Asking about John's missing church - it's an expectation that you attend every Sunday as a Puritan. Rev. Parris is only focused on money and Proctor thinks Parris is evil.

  1. Is Proctor right about Parris?
    1. Yes
  2. What is baptised?
    1. cleansed of sin
  3. What are two types of baptism?
    1. water and spiritual 
  4. What is the Sabbath?
    1. 7th day - holy - Saturday technically in USA it's Sunday
  5. Bringing the man to book 
    1. bring them before the court
  6. What means...keeping up with the Jones'
    1. covet
  7. Why has he kept the secret?
    1. He had an affair with Abigail
  8. This secret is based off of what sin?
    1. lust
  9. What are the 7 deadly sins?
    1. lust - chastity
    2. sloth - diligence
    3. greed - charity
    4. gluttony - moderation/temperance
    5. wrath - kindness
    6. envy - patience
    7. pride - humility
  10. What is humility?
    1. to be humble - opposite of pride
  11. What is she saying about Elizabeth?
    1. she has never told a lie
  12. Why do they struggle with the idea of witches?
    1. they don't live in a life that they would be exposed to something like this
  13. What is aside?
    1. when a character says their thoughts aloud for the audience NOT CHARACTERS to hear
  14. Most famous aside of all time
    1. Juliet's balcony scene

  15. Who is Pontius Pilate?
    1. the person who crucified Jesus
  16. What are aphorisms?
    1. short, clever sayings with a message e.g. Early bird gets the worm
  17. What means: 3 may keep a secret if 2 are dead
    1. no one can keep a secret in a group

Thursday, September 13, 2018

September 13, 2018 - Day 20

EQ: What is the danger of bringing someone like Rev. Hale to Salem?

  1. What did Mary Warren do in the woods?
    1. watch
  2. Mary Warren is whose servant?
    1. Proctors
  3. MW is now a member of what?
    1. the courts
  4. What does John Proctor think about all this mess?
    1. insane
  5. Why is Mary Warren disobeying?
    1. she's famous
  6. What magistrates have come to Salem?
    1.  Danforth and Hawthorne
  7. What is an allusion?
    1. reference to literature or history
  8. Why won't he go?
    1. he had an affair
  9. What is meant by tip-toe?
    1. walk on egg shells
  10. What is the judge inside of you called?
    1. conscience 
  11. What is harder - forgiving yourself or forgiving others?
    1. yourself
  12. What gift does Mary Warren give Elizabeth Proctor?
    1. a poppet
  13. Why does she weep at 39?
    1. Goody Osborn will hang. 
  14. The noose is up means what?
    1. death is on its way
  15. Where has the power gone?
    1. to their heads
  16. Is the devil loose in Salem?
    1. Yes
  17. Where is he hiding?
    1. within people in power

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

September 12, 2018 - Day 19

EQ: Translate quote from Abby to John Proctor

  1.   Can experts be wrong?
    1. No
  2. If an expert is wrong, are they an expert?
    1. no
  3. Why are experts dangerous?
    1. they can never be wrong
  4. Investigation 101, what is wrong with this picture?
    1. you don't interview as a group
  5. How do you get Tituba to take the blame?
    1. beat the confession out of her
  6. "I don't desire to work for him" means what?
    1. stop hurting me
  7. Who are Sarah Goode and Sarah Osborne?
    1. midwives
  8. What is a midwife?
    1. someone who takes care of newborn babies, especially in the Puritan times
  9. Who wants revenge on Goode and Osborne?
    1. Mrs. Putnam
  10. What are they now to the village?
    1. enemies
  11. Why does Betty not wake up?
    1. she will be beat if she does
  12. Why does Abby laugh at prayer?
    1. she doesn't believe
  13. Why are they girls so caught in casting spells and charms?
    1.  entertainment
  14. What is threat to Tituba?
    1. beating
  15. What are leading questions?
    1. a question that prompts or encourages the desired answer
  16. What can Tituba do?
    1. confess and take the beating
  17. Tituba is crying out, and saying what?
    1. she just wants a dress, something nice
  18. Why are they picking these people?
    1.  because they hate them
  19. What's the marshal?
    1. the summoner for jail
  20. What does the marshal get for everyone he arrests?
    1. money
  21. How many people will be accused?
    1. about 120
  22. How much is your freedom worth, put a price on it, say 20 years?
    1. answers vary

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Vocab 31-40

  1. soiled - grossly stained
  2. pretense - pretend, fake
  3. subservient - one obey without questions
  4. contention - heated argument
  5. validity - it has substance, it has meaning, it has become real
  6. magistrate - judge
  7. illusion - when you see something that is not really there
  8. allusion - reference to something everyone knows 
  9. bewildered - confused
  10. catch 22 - damned if you do and damned if you don't. Between a rock and a hard place. There is not winning or positive end/solution

Character List

  • Ruth - 11 - cannot wake up
  • Betty - 11- cannot wake up (Parris' daughter)
  • Tituba - slave of Parris
  • Parris - minister
  • Abigail - Parris' niece, killed chicken, drank blood
  • John Proctor - farmer, middle thirties, not a fan of Rev. Parris
  • Goody Proctor - John Proctor's wife
  • Mary Warren - she witnessed, but did not participate in witchcraft
  • Rev. Hale - witchcraft expert, like the FBI for witches
  • Thomas Putnam - father of Ruth and said to be greedy
  • Goody Nurse - 70, the greatest female in all of New England... she also has 26 times a grandmother
  • Goody Putnam - Ruth's mother. 7 other children died in childbirth or shortly thereafter

September 11, 2018 - Day 18

EQ: Translate this quote into modern English. Your name in the town, it is entirely white, is it not? Why, I am sure it is, sir, there be no blush about my name? Also, who is the conversation between?
  1. Abby was a servant for which house?
    1. Proctor Household
  2.   Take a guess, who is Goody Proctor?
    1. John Proctor's wife
  3.  Who did Abby make a charm for?
    1. John Proctor
  4. What did the Proctor household do to Abby?
    1. fire her
  5. How did you get the name Goody?
    1. by being honest and true
  6. What exciting happens in Salem?
    1. witch hunt
  7. What's Parris worried about?
    1.  tarnishing his name in the town
  8. If there is no medicine then....
    1. there is no cure
  9. What does Parris say to that?
    1. His niece and daughter were both dancing with the devil. 
  10. Why?
    1. He knows the town will ruin him
  11. Who has Parris sent for?
    1. Rev. Hale
  12. Abby is between what two punishments?
    1. Sin and abomination
  13. What are abominations?
    1. sinful acts against God, done on purpose
  14. Who openly practices abominations?
    1. those willing to sin against God. Sinful people
  15. What is blink?
    1.  forget what you saw, pretend you didn't see something
  16. How does Parris see his congregation?
    1.  Stiff necked
  17. What does that word mean?
    1.  you will not change
  18. For Goody Proctor to get the name Goody, what does she have to be?
    1. pure
  19. How often does she go to church now?
    1.  rarely
  20. Who has called for her?
    1. No other family
  21. Where this is smoke...
    1. there is fire
  22. What does this mean?
    1. Where there are rumors, there is truth
  23. This scandal is now how big?
    1. all of New England has now heard of this
  24. Pointing reckoning is what?
    1.  a knife that she will kill them with
  25. "What have you done" insinuates what?
    1. that she has done something wrong
  26. All of NE's heading where?
    1. Salem
  27. What is a soft word?
    1. love words
  28. Did the affair happen?
    1. Yes
  29. How long has he stayed home?
    1. 7 months
  30. What is she saying JP does every night?
    1. fantasized about her
  31. Elizabeth is described as...
    1. sickly
  32. What is Abigail Williams sleep?
    1. innocence
  33. She is saying Salem is full of...
    1. hypocrites
  34. Lights =
    1. truth

Monday, September 10, 2018

Vocab 21-30

  1. Theocracy - government based on religion
  2. Utopia - perfect society
  3. Specter - ghost
  4. Pious - deeply religious, strong beliefs
  5. Heathen - people without a God, or a religion
  6. Pulpit - place from which the minister preaches
  7. sport - playing, fun
  8. aye - yes
  9. abomination - horrific sinful acts purposely done against God
  10. blink - forget what you saw, pretend you didn't see something

September 10, 2018 - Day 17

EQ: What is Puritan Plain Style, and describe the daily lives of the Puritans.

The daily life was extremely harsh. It was waking up before the sun, tending to the garden, cooking meals for the children, building a kitchen table, mending a fence, working until well after the sun went down in the evening, and doing it all over again the next day.

Witch Hunt

  1. Who are the Puritans at war with?
    1. Native Americans
  2. Who do the Indians pray to?
    1. devil
  3. Who is the minister?
    1. Reverend Hale
  4. What were they fighting over?
    1. money, land, religion
  5. What do people fight over today?
    1. same things they fought over back then
  6. What is different about 1792 and today?
    1. technology
  7. What is arguably the strongest human emotion?
    1.  greed
  8. Why does slavery exist?
    1. greed
  9. Where do most slaves from Africa go?
    1. Brazil
  10. What does discipline look like in 1692?
    1. belt, wooden spoon, switch, whip
  11. Why does torture not work well?
    1. you'll say anything to get it to stop
  12. PTSD what is it?
    1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Character List 
  • Ruth - 11 - cannot wake up
  • Betty - 11- cannot wake up (Parris' daughter)
  • Tituba - slave of Parris
  • Parris - minister
  • Abigail - Parris' niece, killed chicken, drank blood

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Day 16

We have been reading Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

***Please see Coach Fridborg for notes if you were absent***

August 17, 2020

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