Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26, 2019 - Day 41

EQ: Read page 5, paragraph 2. What does the man envy and how hard does he envy?
This dog. A great surge (a tremendous amount).


  1. Pain tells you something
    1. you are still alive

Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 25, 2019 - Day 40

EQ: How can you predict the future?
Past experiences


  1. How many hours of daylight does he have?
    1. very few
  2. Everybody was unprepared for...
    1. the temperatures
  3. In Alaska, how is most transportation done?
    1. dog sleds, boats, planes... very few roads, very few cars
  4.  What is going on?
    1. traveling
  5. Why are they here?
    1. gold rush
  6. As humans, we are designed to live between what temperatures?
    1. 40-90
  7. Where do most humans live on the planet?
    1. temperate climate
  8. What about the animals?
    1. more resilient
  9. Why walk on the river?
    1. it's frozen over and you know the direction it goes
  10. How many degrees below freezing?
  11. Why does the dog know to stop traveling?
    1. they can sense danger
  12. Book smarts or street smarts?
    1. street
  13. Why does the dog follow the man?
    1. he has food
  14. Without fire, where is warmth?
    1. in the snow
  15. Why is your lunch against your body?
    1. to keep it from freezing into a block
  16. Where do rivers start?
  17. What is the worst thing that can happen to you when it's cold?
    1. frostbite

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24, 2019 - Day 39

EQ: Why is 1896 significant in American history and literature? Who is the most famous writer from this place? What is the Law of Life?
The 2nd gold rush. Jack London. All of us will die.


  1. What animal is arguably the most valuable?
    1. dog
  2. Where is the tribe?
    1. gone to find food
  3. What animal is very similar to humans?
    1. wolves

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Vocab 105-120

  1. Dialect - the way you say words
  2. personification - when you give attributes to non-human things
  3. ebb - to retreat, to move back
  4. morosely - sulky, gloomy, ill-tempered
  5. Dejected - outwardly discouraged and saddened
  6. En Media Res - in the middle of
  7. Blue collar - laborers
  8. White collar - office workers
  9. Ominously - prediction of doom
  10. Microcosm - a small scale of a much larger thing
  11. aloof - distant from people
  12. Scowl  - mean look
  13. bliss  - ultimate joy
  14. crestfallen - sad, depressed
  15. pun - play on words
  16. binge - to do something excessively
  17. pompadour - Elvis haircut


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April 23, 2019 - Day 38

Desiree's Baby

  1. Madame?
    1. Mrs.
  2. Monsieur?
    1. Mr.
  3. L'Abri?
    1. name of the plantation
  4. What is Madame's last name?
    1. Valmonde
  5. What is Valmonde?
    1. The last name
  6. Desiree's Age?
    1. 1.5-2 years old
  7. Madame Valmonde believes what is the reason?
    1. God delivered it to her. Destiny
  8. What means if you are an idol?
    1. worshipped
  9. Aubigney's are what?
    1. wealthy
  10. What's worth more than the money in your bank?
    1. your name
  11. There are two reactions going on now, what are they?
    1. happiness and suspicion
  12. What did Desiree do?
    1. she committed suicide with the baby
  13. What is Armand doing?
    1. burning everything that remind him of Desiree and the baby
  14. 1894 in Paris - slavery?
    1. no
  15. Another Kate Chopin story, another
    1. plot twist
  1. Describe this woman in three words?
    1. single, 50, ruddy cheeks, hard working
  2. what has happened?
    1. the grandmother is sick and dying. 
  3. Don't spare 'em?
    1. spank them if you have to
  4. What does she do?
    1. feed them
  5. What does that mean?
    1. pantry
  6. To punish Ti Nomme?
    1. picked all the flowers
  7. What is im Taint?
    1. dialect
  8. What is the meaning to the ending?
    1. she regrets not having a spouse. She is all alone in the world
  9. What might be the worse feeling in the world?
    1. loneliness
  10. What does he know now?
    1. what loneliness looks like

Monday, April 22, 2019

April 22, 2019 - Day 37

EQ: What year are we in now in this class, and who is our author? What makes this author


  1. what is wrong with her?
    1. heart problems
  2. what is the news?
    1. her husband died
  3. how did he died?
    1. railroad accident. there was a train wreck
  4. Instantly she does what?
    1. cries
  5. What is ironic about this paragraph?
    1. she is peaceful
  6. What is she having?
  7. What's the word?
    1. epiphany
  8. What's the significance?
  9. Can you change someone?
    1. No
  10. What is the main reason people marry?
    1. accountability
  11. What happened?
    1. it was a mistake. He didn't die
  12. What lit term happened?
    1. plot twist
  1. How much is $15 in 1894?
    1. $334
  2. How does the money make her feel?
    1. feels good
  3. What is she debating?
    1. what to spend it on
  4. What is the start of her plan?
    1. take care of her family
  5. What ultimately would make her happy?
    1. her family looking fresh and dainty
  6. She is what type of shopper?
    1. thrifty
  7. It takes what to be a bargain hunter?
    1. time, patience, energy
  8. What is she doing with the stockings?
    1. she is trying to match shoes with them
  9. What is the significance belonged to her?
    1. she never had anything this nice
  10. Why does nobody notice her?
    1. she fits in
  11. What is at home?
    1. her old life
  12. Kate Chopin often writes about the struggles of?
    1. women

August 17, 2020

 If you are here, then Plan A of CTLS and Plan B of Zoom did not work.  We are so happy to have you! Our syllabus is linked, as are the requ...