Thursday, January 31, 2019


  1. summit - highest point
  2. origin - beginning
  3. myth - story that's told as it's real, but it is not
  4. cyclical - to go around and around
  5. communal - everyone owns it
  6. Digress - to move, wander, drift, stray, to leave what you were talking about
  7. air - the aura around you
  8. Monotonous - having the quality of being monotone
  9. assimilate - to be like the others
  10. grapple - to wrestle with
  11. utopia - perfect society
  12. crucible - - device (pot) meant to melt metals
  13. specter - ghost
  14. Theocracy - government based on religion
  15. Pious - deeply religious
  16. Dogmatic - so deeply opinionated, so set in your ways you will not change
  17. gallows - place where people hang

January 31, 2019 - Day 10

EQ: What is an origin myth?
a made up story that is told to explain the beginning of history.

ORIGIN - beginning
MYTH - story that's told at it's real but is not
UTOPIA - perfect society
CRUCIBLE - device (pot) meant to melt metals
SPECTER - ghost


  1. What is an origin myth?
    1. a made up story that is told to explain the beginning of history.
  2. How did the Native Americans tell their story?
    1. Orally
  3. What are the men doing on the boat with the Virginia Company?
    1. drinking
  4. What is the first thing you do when you get off the boat?
    1. find food!
  5. Who writes history?
    1. the winners
  6. Where did Puritans land?
    1. Plymouth Rock
  7. Where is Plymouth?
    1. Massachusetts
  8. Where is the new place the Puritans settled?
    1. New England
  9. What is the famous village in NE?
    1. Salem
  10. What famous event took place in 1692?
    1. Spanish Inquisition
  11. What year are we in this class?
    1. 1692
  12. What are the Puritans arguing over?
    1. land, money, religion
  13. What is the world arguing over today?
    1. land, money, religion
  14. What does history always do?
    1. REPEAT itself

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January 16, 2019 - Day 8

EQ: What stereotype did Junior's dad live up to?

Air - the aura or feeling around you


January 15, 2019 - Day 7

Digress - to move, wander, drift, stray, to leave what you were talking about

Monday, January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019 - Day 6

EQ: What did his sister do? Is marriage a way for people to escape, or run away? How many marriages fail?
Get married; all the time. 50%

Monotonous - having the quality of being monotone


  1. How old are you going to be when you move out?
    1. stay as long as you can!
  2. What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?
    1. anorexia is starving yourself. Bulimia is binge eating and purging 
  3. What percentage of girls are bulimic?
    1. 3-5%

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019 - Day 5

EQ: Why are banks not going to loan money to a reservation?
There is no guarantee that they will pay that money back.


  1. Cyclical - to go around and around
  2. assimilate - to be like the others
  3. communal - everyone owns it
  4. grapple - wrestle
  1. What is the longest you have ever walked for?
    1. answers vary
  2. What are stereotypes?
    1. They are beliefs we hold about people
  3. Are they true?
    1. Yes
  4. How do you get them?
    1. they are earned
  5. What are the stereotypes that Indians have for white people?
    1. greedy

Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10, 2019 - Day 4

EQ: Go to page 41... half way down, Mr. P says Rowdy, he's he's he's... what? What advice does he give Junior? What are the last words for Junior on Page 43?
Rowdy's a loser.
You have to leave this reservation.


  1. cyclical - to go around and around and around
  2. assimilate - to be like the others... when in Rome do as the Romans
  1. White Europeans for many years have placed a high importance on what?
    1. farming
  2. Why will this change be a challenge?
    1. He's going against everything he's ever known
  3. Why did Rowdy punch him?
    1. he's mad and betrayed
  4. Also what is arguable the strongest human emotion?
    1.  jealousy
  5. Yes or no does Rowdy want Junior to do well...
    1. NO
  6. What are Junior's biggest fears on his first day of school?
    1. that his dad won't come back to pick him up because he will be drunk

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 9, 2019 - Day 3

EQ: Bottom of 26... after his sister graduated high school what did it say she did and why?
sat at home in the basement. no goals


  1. cyclical - to go around and around

  1. How is Junior different from his sister?
    1. he has goals

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 8, 2019 - Day 2

EQ: Read Why Chicken Means So Much To Me on pg. 6. Why does chicken taste so good?


  1.  What is the worst thing about being poor?
    1. being hungry
  2.  Who got sick?
    1. Oscar
  3.  What is Oscar?
    1. his dog
  4.  Why can't they leave the trap of poorness?
    1. it's a cycle
  5.  Why do you know what you know?
    1. your parents
  6. What does Junior know about life?
    1. poorness
  7. What is the worst thing about being poor?
    1. illness
  8. It takes money
    1. to get rich
  9. Who is Rowdy?
    1. best friend ever
  10. Describe him.
    1. He is tough and is abused by his father. angry all the time. 
  11. What is a Pow Wow?
    1. a North American Indian ceremony involving feasting, singing and dancing.
  12. What word describes Rowdy?
    1. fighter
  13. Who does Jr. argue is more important?
    1. Rowdy

Monday, January 7, 2019

Spring 2019 Welcome Back! - January 7th, 2019 - Day 1

EQ: What are reservations, and where are most reservations found? What is the most damaging problem facing Native Americans today?
Isolated land created for Native Americans. West Coast, Midwest. Alcoholism

Part Time Indians questions:

  1. What is the most abused drug in the world?
    1. alcohol
  2. What is the most expensive thing about getting teeth pulled?
    1. novocaine
  3. What is the rez?
    1. the Native American reservation

August 17, 2020

 If you are here, then Plan A of CTLS and Plan B of Zoom did not work.  We are so happy to have you! Our syllabus is linked, as are the requ...