Thursday, January 31, 2019


  1. summit - highest point
  2. origin - beginning
  3. myth - story that's told as it's real, but it is not
  4. cyclical - to go around and around
  5. communal - everyone owns it
  6. Digress - to move, wander, drift, stray, to leave what you were talking about
  7. air - the aura around you
  8. Monotonous - having the quality of being monotone
  9. assimilate - to be like the others
  10. grapple - to wrestle with
  11. utopia - perfect society
  12. crucible - - device (pot) meant to melt metals
  13. specter - ghost
  14. Theocracy - government based on religion
  15. Pious - deeply religious
  16. Dogmatic - so deeply opinionated, so set in your ways you will not change
  17. gallows - place where people hang

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August 17, 2020

 If you are here, then Plan A of CTLS and Plan B of Zoom did not work.  We are so happy to have you! Our syllabus is linked, as are the requ...