Thursday, January 31, 2019

January 31, 2019 - Day 10

EQ: What is an origin myth?
a made up story that is told to explain the beginning of history.

ORIGIN - beginning
MYTH - story that's told at it's real but is not
UTOPIA - perfect society
CRUCIBLE - device (pot) meant to melt metals
SPECTER - ghost


  1. What is an origin myth?
    1. a made up story that is told to explain the beginning of history.
  2. How did the Native Americans tell their story?
    1. Orally
  3. What are the men doing on the boat with the Virginia Company?
    1. drinking
  4. What is the first thing you do when you get off the boat?
    1. find food!
  5. Who writes history?
    1. the winners
  6. Where did Puritans land?
    1. Plymouth Rock
  7. Where is Plymouth?
    1. Massachusetts
  8. Where is the new place the Puritans settled?
    1. New England
  9. What is the famous village in NE?
    1. Salem
  10. What famous event took place in 1692?
    1. Spanish Inquisition
  11. What year are we in this class?
    1. 1692
  12. What are the Puritans arguing over?
    1. land, money, religion
  13. What is the world arguing over today?
    1. land, money, religion
  14. What does history always do?
    1. REPEAT itself

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August 17, 2020

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